SHTF gun whats your ideal gun?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by slug36, Mar 2, 2010.

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  1. what about an SKS?
  2. PapaSasquatch

    PapaSasquatch Monkey++

    You got that right. There is a most scandalous video out there that's very popular that compares the M16 and the AK47 that is a gross injustice. It suggests the AK can't hit a silhouette at 200 yards..and they actually have some goob there shooting an old wasr or something and he barely nicks the corner of the sil at 200 yards while the m16 hits all center mass.

    I'll vouch for the AK accuracy and likewise suggest that a man at 300 yards is not safe. Heck, when I first took my SGL20 out and was going for the 300 yard iron from a rest (12x16" iron plate) I hit it 3 out of 10 times. Of course with my AR I can hit it 8 out of 10 times. Unsupported I can't hit the plate with the AK but I can definitely hit a man at that distance unsupported. Unsupported with the AR I do about 1/3.

    At 100 yards on a rest, I do about 5moa with my AK and around 2-3moa with my ARs.

    As for that video where they show the flex in the AK barreled action, it is also very laughable. If I'm not mistaken, the AKM receivers, which are thicker (milled or stamped) don't have that much flex. Also, various variants have different thickness' in their receivers. I know my SGL20 (izhevsk made) is quite solid. The Yugo M70AB2 has a very thick receiver and good assembly (trunion and barrel) and probably doesn't flex much. So yeah, the 6 million people who've viewed that video are what contribute to the ill-conceived accuracy "issue" of the AK. Maybe it's a curse because Mikhail won't endorse any of the variants! lol
  3. PapaSasquatch

    PapaSasquatch Monkey++

    I'd take an SKS as much as I'd take an AK. Those things are tanks and inherently more accurate (I've heard) than the AK. Of course if you get a beat up old norinco model not well taken care of, you run a decent risk of slam firing!
  4. magnus392

    magnus392 Field Marshall Mags Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The SKS is a good weapon. I haven't shot them as much as AK's and never at any mentionable distance. In this area they are used extensively as "Hog" guns. My dad took a dear at 250yards with one. I haven't heard many complaints other than after market hi-cap mag issues.

    The original AK-47 used a combo stamped/milled hybrid receiver. IIRC the wall on the stamped section were 1.6mm.
    The Milled receivers are 1.6mm thick
    The AKM is the 1mm stamped sheet metal receiver
    The Yugo Bulged Trunnion M70's are 1.5mm (IIRC) RPK style receivers (bulged trunnion) Although they did have some regular non-bulged 1mm models.
    The Chinese stamped guns use a 1.5 or 1.6mm receiver.

    I am tired and it is late, but that is the jist of it. I don't remember the exact 1.5/1.6mm and all, but that should help.
  5. magnus392

    magnus392 Field Marshall Mags Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    If you clean the bolt really well, you should be good to go. I think they have a spring loaded firing pin. IF you anyone gets a slam fire...check that. IF you have a new Yugo and get one...Clean the 800lbs of cosmo out of it [boozingbuddies]
  6. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Eh... I dunno. I can't get the accuracy I want from my Romy AK.
    In fairness, I have yet to really get to work on the issue (trying different ammo, scopes mounts, etc.) So far 2 - 5" groups with a red dot site at 100yds. I'm working on it. Love that gun - just wish it were a tack driver.
    But just as a comparison - I sporterized a Yugo Mauser last year. Popped a 6x scope on it. Spent 15 minutes playing around, then put a post-it note on a target at 100yds. 1st 3 rounds landed on the note - no problem.

    But anyway, here's another argument as far as SHTF gun: MONEY

    What can you do with $2,500

    For $2,500 at current prices, I can put away -
    3 Yugo AKs
    20 30rd. magazines
    3,000 rds. of ammunition

    Discount $300 if you want to go with Romanians.

    That arms 2 adults and gives you a spare gun as well. I think you can put together a pretty good defense with that.


    2 Bushmasters
    10 magazines
    ~1500 rds of 5.56

    that same $2,500 can buy:
    4 10/22
    40 25rd. magazines
    and 45 bulk packs or 22,500 rds. of 22LR

    If you were a looter, which would you fear most?
  7. PapaSasquatch

    PapaSasquatch Monkey++

    Orrrrr....I can sneak into an unsuspecting gun owner's home with a rock, and walk out armed for free! lol Reminds me of some people on forums like this who say they don't need to store food/water/fuel, they just need to have a gun and they can go get the food/water/fuel from their unarmed neighbors!

    And with $2500, you could get:
    8 - WASR 10's for a record low of $299 each!
    6 - WASR 10's at 3 bills each and
    3000 rounds of good, clean JSC Barnaul ammo (JHPs even) for $600 and
    10 - 40 round polymer Bulgarian mags for $100!

    ..then go steal a wheelbarrel from your neighbor to carry that stuff! But seriously, that's a lot of bang for the buck....or you could get one XCR for 25 bills! lol
  8. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Thanks for the links. Shoot! I didn't know that ammo had gotten that cheap!
    How does one make a WASR 10 accept a 40 round mag?
  9. Nomad 2nd

    Nomad 2nd Monkey+++

    You insert the 40 round RPK mag just like you do a regular 30 rounder...

    WASR will do minute of chest at 300 for me from Prone, offhand, and anywhere in between.

    Good enough for me.
  10. PapaSasquatch

    PapaSasquatch Monkey++

    My bad. The WASR 10 uses the single stack 10 rounders only, right? So you'd have to spend $350 to get a regular ROMAK and put your double stack mags (40 rds) in there. Anyway, 8 is too many. Just get 4 AKs at $350 each, use the extra cashola to get more ammo and mags..and some good slings, and more heavy duty wheelbarrels! lol

    Yeah, Ammunition to go is the best place I've found for ammo. Got some good xm193 there, and my ak ammo there for the best price around. 1k rounds ships for $32!...and they're fast too!
  11. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Some WASR-10s have a widened mag well to accept regular magazines. You can tell a WASR-10 at sight because it will be missing the recessed portions in the receiver above the magazine well.

    Essentially what was done was import the weapon as a 10 round only, change out specified number of parts with US parts, and open up mag well to accept standard mags. I guess a 10 rd AK wasn't selling like hotcakes.... go figure.

    There were some reports of feeding issues with WASR-10s but the vast majority of owners are happy. I have no personal experience with a WASR-10. I've had a lot of experience with the SARs.
  12. Nomad 2nd

    Nomad 2nd Monkey+++

  13. Pauly Walnuts

    Pauly Walnuts Monkey++

    Dam, all of my years in the Marine Corps and I never got to test the M16 like that. Valid point that most fire fights will not go into the 1K round area. If I owned a gun/rifle I'd guess that I'd carry 7 30 rd mags for an AR and 3 10 rd clips for a Glock. So that's 240 rounds total? Has anyone here humped a full load over 10 miles, did your feet bleed? Toe nails fall off? Thighs shafe raw (no I'm not a fat body)? Maybe I'm just a pu$$y? I need those who can carry 1k rounds with an alice pack to tell me where to meet so I can have protection! If I have to fire that many rounds **** has gone way wrong and I'm not coming home to clean the AR I'd bet?

    PS, I had one jam on the m16 and I was at fault because I had left the bolt back and tossed the rifle outta anger (Yeah I knwo that was dumb and immature, I was a young man then).
    ExHelot likes this.
  14. Nomad 2nd

    Nomad 2nd Monkey+++

    Had em jam, seen em jam.

    But with my feet I'll not be humping like I used to.

    That's what my Enduro Bike is for!:D

    STILL don't trust an AR...
  15. Pauly Walnuts

    Pauly Walnuts Monkey++

    I guess gas will be plentiful forever?
  16. Nomad 2nd

    Nomad 2nd Monkey+++

    Long enough to make the transition to horses.

    Not practical at this time.

    With my feet, I'm not doing long humps no matter what I carry.

    Short time ago I was toting 600-800 linked rounds of 5.56 for my SAW however.

    I'll take a .30 anyday.

    Less hits needed for same effect = weight savings anyway.

  17. hog

    hog Drinking Mampoer.

    Got to be a 12 guage anyday.
    Just awsome power .
  18. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Nomad, taken any training classes lately? I really enjoyed reading your posts and seeing the pictures of the training. Good stuff!
  19. Nomad 2nd

    Nomad 2nd Monkey+++

    Got a 3 day Advanced Carbine class comming up in June.

    Going to the NTI the first week of June.

    I'm taking 18 hours of school right now so I'm kinda busy.
    On wekends I'm doing related things like CERT training this weekend.
  20. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer


    Sorry for the stolen thread... [beer]
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