If you had to choose one Fixed blade for survival

Discussion in 'Blades' started by melbo, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. SHavis

    SHavis dedicated fire poker

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I, too, have one of the old CS Master Hunter's with the VG-10 steel. Really vesitile, but mine stained from boar blood and not cleaning it fast enough. Still crazy sharp! Don't get the stain, though.

    I love my Randall #1, it is a big knife good for whacking jobs suitable to a large blade. Almost 50 years old and still looks new, except for some sharpening scratches.

    For skinning and dressing, I still prefer my one of my Case trappers for anything the size of small deer on down.

    If I had to pick only one, it would be a heavy ( >3/16") 5" with drop point VG-10 blade & full lenght tang w/ a rubber composite handle and steel butt I could hammer on.
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    ONE fixed blade? Man.

    I carry several. But, among all of these, my favorite by a decent margin is the Military Fighter made by Don.
    Of course, the Mora would be my second...IF I had to choose.

    DSC00369.JPG DSC00126.JPG

    Money not an option? Hrm...

    Maybe a Jacklore

    A custom tactical gladius by Omnivore
  3. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    Busse Steel Heart or Busse Badger Attack
  4. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I always liked the Al Mar SERE knife. I've handled a few, but for some reason, I never bought one yet.

    I also like my Boker Orka, but it is a dive knife and not a good pig sticker for when the need arises... Plus the sheath is a PITA to get the knife out of. Again, good for diving, and good for an overall survival type knife.

    I have my Junglee Waterloo, with a 7" AUS8 double edge blade. Good for pig sticking, but not good for whittling, chopping, or clearing.

    I guess that's why I like the SERE, it has qualities of both of these knives put together. I would, if I could, add a guard to the handle of the SERE, as I feel kind of naked without one if I was going to have to use it to protect my life.

    I guess that's why I have a dozen or so fixed blades; you cannot possibly get everything you want in one alone. You have to compromise somewhere, and in the spirit of the original intent of this thread, I would go with the SERE if I couldn't have any other knife.
  5. GeoMonkey

    GeoMonkey Monkey++

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    Lot's of great choices here, but mine is the Falkniven A-1 with an after-market sheath (shown with original).

  6. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    Good point, GeoMonkey. I forgot about the Falkniven line. I don't get to see too many of them around here. I have an AL Mar (not the Sere, but still a nice knife) and I guess I just got caught up with the name.

    I would like to see a full metal guard on the A1 instead of a molded-in half guard.
  7. Double Ott

    Double Ott Monkey+++

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I have many fixed blade knives. The one that I have always liked allot is the SOG Seal Pup Elite. I think my thoughts on this blade was confirmed in the Feb. 2010 issue of Outdoor Life. They field tested serveral "survival knives" and gave the Editor Choice to the SOG Seal Pup Elite.

    It's really hard to choose one blade for all uses. The Seal Pup is not to big, not to small...I think just about right.

    Regards, Double Ott
  8. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I found a good one today. 20.00 in a Pawn shop. Glock Field knife, with root saw on top. Spring steel, slim 6.5" blade, I put 5 #12 o-rings on the handle and wrapped the sheath in Para Cord.
  9. Heatherli

    Heatherli Monkey+

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    My favourite is my custom made Damascus Steel knife with the elk-horn handle...made for me by a friend who makes exceptional knives. I paid $300
    but I think it would have cost much more in a store.
  10. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I'd need two. Sorry.

    A ~6" hunter (Picked up a Buck 470 for $20 at a gun show last year - fits the bill though steel seems a bit soft)

    A machete - how come no-one mentioned a machete??? I mean that is THE survival knife throughout most of the 3rd world. I've yet to find a good one though.
  11. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I have too many choices...
    I'd want a stout bladed knife like a K-bar, but also a multi knife like a decent swiss type...Then for those nasty hard jobs, a really big sucka!
    I figure about a 10-12 inch blade 3/16 to 1/4 inch thick for chopping, that has some weight and heft to get 'er done!
    Tough call!
    Maybe that stupid "chain saw Rambo style knife" in the movie ""Hot Shots"!???
  12. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. I tried to get several knifemakers (including one that resided here) to make me a good machete from a piece of spring steel. I haven't had any luck so far.

    I love carrying my machete in the summer when I go for a hike. My father used to make fun of me, until we wound up in a VERY large briar patch. He doesn't poke fun at me anymore.
  13. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    I have many that would fit this thread. I would have to say... any 4-6" carbon steel fixed blade.

    As long as it's of sturdy manufacture and holds an edge.

    I am currently using two here... a Chris Reeves Project II and a Tim Horan Companion. CRK is a bit big but it is so for the purpose of doing mean stuff to nasty people. The little Tim Horan companion is the one I do the most with.

    ETA- Check avatar photo
    It's my newest. I haven;t had much time to play with it. Just a bit on leave. It's a Robert Hawk. It's an exceptional value. Fits my needs as well as being beautiful.
  14. Dbolt

    Dbolt Monkey+++

    I'd choose the standard leather handled 7" blade Kabar. Until it was stolen, that was my go-to field knife. And as soon as I can wiggle $60+ S&H free, I'll be replacing it.
  15. jfbaird

    jfbaird Monkey++

    I would choose my Ontario RAT 5 I know there is a Ontario versus RAT Cutlery controversy but I bought 5 before the split and love it. I am now looking at their 5 inch SERE model.
  16. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    The 7" Marine Combat (Mk2) is a great choice for an all-purpose knife. I don't believe any other knife has been so tested. Don't forget that there are other companies that have made this knife besides Ka-Bar... camillus, case, and united just name a few.

    Here is a good review on them:
    The Mk2 Ka Bar comparitive review

    Look for the used. I see them dirt cheap at little knife shops all the time. Also check gun shows or flea markets. Occasionally one will pop up at a garage sale, Ebay, or Craigslist. Used ones can be bought on the cheap and usually have years of life left. For the price, you can buy more than one and have spares. Aftermarket sheaths are plentiful. Anyone that makes sheaths, tactical or leather, makes a model for the Mk2 combat knife.

    A Ka-Bar was my first sheath knife- received it from my dear ole' Mom when I was about 9.
  17. overbore

    overbore Monkey++

    Re: If you had to choose one Fixed blade...

    Years ago, I bought a Russian survival "tool" that is made like a tank in that it is part machete, part knife, part saw, part shovel, part pry bar/opener etc and it is hefty made of steel that holds an edge. You can't gut with it but you can spill some---:D:D.

    Laus Deo
  18. survivorman

    survivorman Monkey+

    I prefer the 7 1/2 inch AUS-8A special forces junglee fixed blade it has got me thru very dangerous and perilous situations and remains very sharp and well maintained every day... Check one out today!!
  19. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Really interesting knife. Very similar to the SOG SEAL Pup only AUS-8 instead of AUS-6.
  20. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    For me these days... Machete.... Martindale or Imacasa.... 18 -24 inches long... good kydex sheath with a good file... Solid wood or molded handle... JMHO[boozingbuddies]
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