So what in your opinion is your most(important) /valuable prep? firearms/ ammo /training? food supplies? your (new) location? financial "preps?" other?
jes tryin to get some discussion/thinkin' goin'... I would agree;for me knowledge provides a sense of control and prioritization of the situation. and provides options for dealing with issues.
LOL. . . well I am glad I have my head in the right place. I clicked on knowledge before I looked at anyone else's answers. I was headed down this path much longer than I even realized. Mind driven consciousness(where the hell did I pack my dictionary when I moved) of the world going down the wrong path. I started acquiring firearms, ammo and reloading equipment and supplies first. Followed that closely with my search for land. I started laying in for a rainy day food wise at the same time. My library started to build as well. All roads lead to Rome. Old true saying in Europe! ..... I guess once the mindset is right all the rest of the preps will follow.
. . I am going to behave, I am going to behave! Don't say it! Don't say it! ..... sure, you are right, the brain is the most useful tool. See folks, I really can behave in a civilized manner.
Guns and ammo, with that I can provide some security. everything else I can salvage or improvise. you just might have to ditch that larder anyway.
knowledge is one thing ... But actually being able to do what u "know about is the other" Its great that everyone is reading books... but i got news for ya i dont care if u read ever book there is on a subject if you havent dont it you knowledge aint worth a cold pint of piss!!!!