In 1971, this was my Bible and I want to share it with those of you that were not yet a gleam in your daddy's eye.
That's funny, I bought one of those at a flea market a year ago. I love the idea, but sometimes it makes you wonder about how the author's decided what to include and what not to. I.E., a page on natural childbirth, and the next few pages on small aircraft navigation. Good stuff!
The Author was a pioneer of alternative living and included everything that he could think of that might be of use, might be a bargain, or had strategic purpose. One of my favorites is a factory that made building materials out of polermerized black strap molasses.
GOT ONE HERE SOMEWHERE. sorry bout caps, am typing with one finger, ain't going back. anarchist cookbook too. carla emerys tome... great info source there also. a bunch of kurt saxton books with all kinds of odd info. all the foxfire books. a ton of mother earth news mags. i was mothers lifer number 4500. i could go on and on. have no idea how many books i actually have. probably 3000 any way.
My beard is as old as TLWEC. My first wife took all copies when she left along with much else. Oh well. Would Love a copy of The Anarchists Cookbook. Had all the Mother Earth News and the Foxfire Books also. The ten achres in Vermont was the 2nd biggest loss.
google "anarchist cookbook free download". the whole thing is available online now. go but, I got a late 60's copy
Thanks tacmotsun. How about Steal This Book by Abbey Hofman? It's available now too. Anoteher great source of info.
actually there is one called "The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog" which came out in 1999 0r 2000 has a white cover but mine isn't white anymore.
WAS AT A GUN SHOW LAST WEEKEND oops sorry bout the caps. one table had books, ... turner diaries, anarchist cookbook$30, both kurt saxon Poor man's James bond vol 1 and 2 at $30 ea and alot of others. No titles available I didn't already have or have read and had no interest
I have one called The Big Book of Self-Reliant Living. At a glance it seems to have some odd listings but if the 8th grade public school curriculum were based on this book the avg person wouldn't seem like such a moron. Have a few of the titles already listed, as well. Byte