He calls it a "human nature repair manual". Not pessimistic at all, very good read, I recommend it to anyone. Amazon.com: Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual (9780060987350): @@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41PB9nfMQeL.@@AMEPARAM@@41PB9nfMQeL
There you go. You got the author. which book would be the next question. I actually had missed this book in sequence, and have just gone back to read it. I have considered a line from this book as a signature line, but have been advised it is probably too "in your face - inflamitory". "Any Religion that Advocates the Murder of an Unbeliever is not Worshipping God, that Religion is Worshipping the Devil"!!!
That does not sound inflammatory, at least not on this board. I doubt we have many (if any) muslim monkeys.
Off track a bit, but we do get a lot of hits from predominantly muslim countries. (See the cluster map.) I can't imagine that any would take offense, or if they did, they might not bother coming back to the site.
Nah, it's fine..... Leviticus 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Both parties in adultery shall be executed. 20:10 Jesus condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths and to the eternal torment of hell because they didn't care for his preaching. Matthew 11:20-24 God sends a plague on the Pharaoh and his household because the Pharaoh believed Abram's lie. Genesis 12:17
Just for the bump and close the loop on that quote. I lifted it from a college history text "Democracy Under Pressure - (An introduction to the American Political System" - Cummings and Wise - Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1971
"It was ever so long ago, I'd rather have my head cut off than do it now, " and Emil mildly laid Ned on his back instead of cuffing him, as he would have felt it his duty to do on any less solemn occasion."
here is a new one.... Kunta had always thought of monkeys rushing noisily about, and he couldn't forget how quietly they had been watching his every move. author and book title please.
"Roots" came out as well publicized T.V. miniseries in my era. I don't wanna brag,but no googie, I seem to have a talent to free associate useless trivia given contextual clues. Makes me sound well read; drives the wife nuts...can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday,what the wife told me ever, or the kids birfdays..thanks for the prize though...
Guess I''m "it"now: " I have tried the lotus-eating life of a pacific beachcomber and found it lacking. I am sure it will surprise many when I assert that it is easier to "go native"in many sections of the united states than in the south seas." Don't bother google(justchecked) inadvertantly it won't help(I thought it would)...Author did a "famous"(often parodied) tv commercial in the early70's for a breaksfast cereal.
At this wattage we can run a stereo amp, a blender, a 3/8 inch drill,a1/3 hp paint sprayer,a jigsaw, a sander and many other motorized tools.
"At this point message is ready for transmission." and if anyone can guess this one ill send them a box of random stuff.
Sixty Years of Thorns and Roses by E.E. Shelhamer If anyonwe would like to read some of his works here is a link to them. http://www.raptureready.com/resource/shelhamer/shelhamer.html