"No one knows the future but I think you are overreacting. This is a thousands-year-old plan and we are not likely to see it fully consummated in our lifetime. Martial law is a stupid idea because it would just upset the sheeple. The gloom-and-doomers are running a business. Don't get taken in." An articleby Henry Makow phd: http://www.henrymakow.com/should_we_prepare_for_the_wors.html My answer is "No." But let's read the question first. Recently Bill and Alice wrote: Dear Henry, I've read Dr Days transcript 3 times, I've been a student of the Elite since late 70's. What is your take on the complete "take over"..we are retirees 64 & 66,and I have Greg Evensens's dvd on order..He writes in news with views and gives seminars; he thinks it's "any time" now...we live right in town of 80,000 or more. The power grid may be the key to martial law, along with flu, blaming stuff on Muslims to confuse the masses..many folks cannot move and refuse to..I also read Jim Rawls survival blog. I have read others scenarios (terrorist attacks in larger cities, etc...We've been getting supplies and "purging stuff we don't need" in our house..should we sell our house and rent? Real estate will then be worthless and gov will turn fascist 100%.." This was my quick response: "No one knows the future but I think you are overreacting. This is a thousands-year-old plan and we are not likely to see it fully consummated in our lifetime. Martial law is a stupid idea because it would just upset the sheeple. The gloom-and-doomers are running a business. Don't get taken in." We "patriots" suffer from a cognitive dissonance. We have been colonized by a Masonic Zionist Central Banking clique dedicated to totalitarian world government. They plot wars, false flag terrorism, plagues, dysfunction, decadence, depressions etc. yet the mass media (which defines reality, and they own) ignores all this and says we live in a democracy. I'm no clairvoyant so I might be wrong, but my policy is "don't panic." Seek some sanity in the mindset of the trusting sheeple. We might be more successful if we act as if everything were OK: pursue careers, make investments, get married, buy houses and have children. Don't be stymied by your knowledge of the dark side. If you move to a cabin in the woods or a secluded valley in Ecuador, do it on its own merits. Don't assume we are going to hell in a hand basket in America, at least not anytime soon. I bet a friend a free supper that the Iran War would not start by May 30. I won of course. That was 2007. I could have dined out on this friend for two years! THE FROG IN THE POT The martial law scenario feared by Alice and Bill is not likely to happen. The US has its hands full pacifying the rest of the world without trying to administer a police state at home. Foreign countries are not likely to volunteer for service in Kansas any more than Afghanistan. Americans are armed to the teeth. The elite's biggest asset is the illusion that we live in a free and open society. They are not going to shatter that illusion. Oppressed people are much harder to manipulate. The guiding image is the frog in the pot. They are gradually increasing the heat. They are gradually removing civil rights and wholesome examples. They are training the army and cops to violate the Constitution. They are re-engineering the population to embrace a candy-coated servitude. Martial law would be like turning the heat up fast and having the frog jump out. What could interrupt this peaceful transition to tyranny? Domestic rebellion and targeted assassinations might. Is this likely to happen? No. For over 100 years Americans have taken their medicine like good children -more-
Well....I dont care what this "Phd" says..... This ole frog is gonna be "gone with the schwinn"! I'll be danged if I'm going to waste all that time and money, just to sit back, get married, buy a new car, a home, get married and have kids..... (Yeah, ok... think happy happy thoughts!, all is well! Don't worry be happy!) No wait. I already did that....3 times as a matter of fact! So, I have a bunch of grown children, 3 ex-wives and nothing else to do..... Hmmmmmmm......
Well you still seem pretty down. Look on the bright side. Jesus loves you, Everybody needs somebody sometime, lol..... and No man is an island. Yes, I jumped over here from your other post. and, the sun is definitly shining somewhere! and it is 5 o'clock somewhere according to Jimmy Buffett. Cheers Mate.