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Re: New (unidentified ) life form found during sewer inspect I really don't know what to think of this one. Mutant snail or super slime-mold? I was waiting for an alien facehugger to pop out of the thing...
Re: New (unidentified ) life form found during sewer inspect Semi sticky, half biologically digested scum. Water passing under it makes it wiggle. Stinks, too.
Re: New (unidentified ) life form found during sewer inspect Free ranging hemmorhoid? possibly worms or an egg sac??Pretty disgusting, I never flushed anything like that! I hope 'it" doesn't advance any farther up the pipe!!!!
Re: New (unidentified ) life form found during sewer inspect Member of congress relaxing between votes?
Re: New (unidentified ) life form found during sewer inspect Its the BLOB. Haven't any of you guys seen the movie. It is small and going to grow. Great, not sure if I am prepared for a BLOB invasion.
Re: New (unidentified ) life form found during sewer inspect I believe that to be pictures of a newly fertilized embryo of a politician conceived in a sewer and fertilized by effluent escaped from a colostomy bag. We should be prepared to elect him/her into office soon.
Re: New (unidentified ) life form found during sewer inspect Probably do better than Chuckie Schumer. (Or a nearly endless list of others.) and out.