The special interest groups will spend the next few months, in coordination with Reid/Pelosi, to figure out how to purchase the votes in the senate. As my father would say, "They will move ahead -- even if it is in the wrong direction!"
Damn it man. Don't give up, or spread total doom and gloom. There is always hope! If we were not hopeful of a change for the better, why bother prepping or considering an upcoming possible fight. Hell man, just roll over and die if you have given up. It's not over until it's over .... THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE, and possible positive actions to take to try and make it right!
i am not pessimistic in my response. This is how 8 republicans votes were "purchased" to get the vote passed. I am a realist. I have written my senators, now, but I have come to understand how it all work in washington after my 40 years on this planet. Its not about what is right, it is about what is best for "me" (as in how do I get money in the next election cycle).
Ok I can accept that reasoning even though I do not agree with quid pro quo bribary to buy votes as acceptable. The 8 republican congressperson have had their names published far and wide including here. With hope and justice they will pay for their crimes by being voted out of office next time they come up for reelection. Now, what you left out was that 44 democrats didn't toe the party line and voted against the Bill making it quite a squeeker! As I understand it at the time the final vote was called Nancy Pelosi was not sure it would pass! So..... all that said, Why so cotton pickin' completely negative? Please everyone, let your wishes be known to your Senators. never NEVER give up !!!
I love Alan Korwin's Page Nine. I highly recommend subscribing to it. This was in this months edition. 1- Environmental Hoax Proof The lamestream media told you: The environment is on the verge of collapse, the human race could be wiped out, species will go extinct, we must prepare ourselves for drastic changes to our lifestyles and global government controls and taxes, like the wonderful cap-and-trade plan that just squeaked through the House, to avert imminent disaster. There's no time to waste, the situation is completely desperate. Please expect the same message tomorrow. The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: The Obama cap-and-trade plan is a clever tax on EVERYTHING, which will force all Americans to live up to government standards instead of to a free choice of their own. It has gained support of the thoroughly corrupted media under the guise of saving the world. Unmentioned in the plan is that America represents only 3% of the world's population. The other 97% is not under the plan. Hmmmm. The experts in this field have been slightly less than forthright in the matter: "We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy." - Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation Two Sources: , -- "No matter if the science of global warming is all phony, climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world." - Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment Two Sources: , -- "The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." - emeritus professor Daniel Botkin Two Sources: , -- "We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports Two Sources: , -- "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace Two Sources: , -- "Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing." - David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club Two Sources: , -- "Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control." -Professor Maurice King Two Sources: http://www.alanwattsentientsentinel...e_Opiate_of_the_Intelligentsia_Feb102009.html , -- "Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun." - Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University Two Sources: ,
foundaon ats: <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr class="postrow"><td class="postcontent" style="border-top: 6px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(80, 80, 80); font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px;" bgcolor="#505050" valign="top" height="90%"> Just on Fox, yes I know. . . Fox, a report has surfaced that a 98 page document showing that global CO2 concentrations have actually decreased negating the sweeping changes that Obama and co. want to enact with the cap in trade bill currently going to the senate. Remember folks, this is the bill that barely passed the house (with the help of republicans) that would create higher taxes and increases in utility payments, higher food costs, higher costs all around. Will post the link about the story AND report when I can find it. </td> </tr> <tr class="postrow"> <td class="vsmalltxt" style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128);" align="right" valign="top" height="5%"> copyright & usage </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="mediumtxt" style="border-top: 6px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(64, 80, 72); color: rgb(80, 96, 88); font-size: 11px; height: 72px; line-height: 25px;" align="center" background="" valign="middle"> Click here for more Fragile Earth topics Hot Topics | Top Topics | This Week | Subscribe | Home </td></tr> <tr> <td class="smalltxt" valign="top"> reply posted on 29-6-2009 @ 09:53 AM by mikerussellus </td> </tr> <tr class="postrow"> <td class="postcontent" style="border-top: 3px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);" bgcolor="#404040" valign="top" height="90%"> EPA officials buried the report stating that there was nothing in the report that would enhance or support the presidents agenda on the current bill. -sigh- I hope this is becoming obvious to even the most rabid Obama supporters now. </td></tr></tbody></table>EPA report showing temps declining while c02 rises; reported on fox then "buried" the executive summary(page73) breaks it down
Clyde, I haven't given up on this yet, but am slowly leaning that way. the following is a cummulative exchange between Senator Bill Nelson (Dem-Florida) and me along with others I consider Family or Friends being kept informed as well Tacmotusn Thank you for contacting me regarding cap-and-trade legislation. I am interested in cap-and-trade programs because they would let the market, not the government, dictate how to lower harmful emissions. I believe that we have the technology and ability to meet the challenge of climate change in a way that will provide new economic opportunities and make us more competitive internationally while protecting consumers from high energy prices and breaking our dependence on oil. Global warming threatens Florida's fragile ecosystem and $56 billion tourism industry. Rising sea levels will encroach on Florida's pristine beaches and harm coastal wetlands and the Everglades. Increased carbon dioxide and water temperatures will damage sensitive coral reefs and endanger Florida's diverse marine species. A scientific study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded with 90 percent certainty that global warming is caused by the accumulation of man-made greenhouse gasses. On June 26, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. The Senate is expected to consider legislation to address energy independence and climate change in the fall. I will continue to work in the Senate to fight the effects of global warming. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me, and I respect your views. Please feel free to regarding any additional issues of concern. Sincerely, Senator Bill Nelson Dear Family and friends, The "Cap and Trade Bill" presently in the Federal Legislature is not merely an environment bill to protect us and save us from global warming. That is only the disguise. This massive Bill is the Largest Intrusive Government Power Grab and Tax Increase the Nation has ever seen. It barely squeeked through the House of Congress. It was 1500 pages long, and was rushed through without our STUPID Congessional Representatives even reading it. These Morons continue to make a mockery of the Will if the People and the Legislative Process. I am asking and pleading with each and everyone of you to get involved. I have both of my Senators, and my Congressperson on my computer, on speed dial so to speak. I fire off emails to them about every important bill coming before them. You should and can do the same. It only takes a few minutes. We need to help save and take our country back. Now is not the time to say, "it doesn't matter" "I don't have the time." "I don't know enough about the issues, and I trust my government to do what is right." YOU MUST MAKE AN EFFORT OR ALL IS LOST .... "Comrade". By a final vote of 219-212, HR 2454, the Cap-and-Tax scheme, has passed the House. Eight Republicans switched over to make the final margin possible. These eight are: Bono Mack Castle Kirk Lance LoBiondo McHugh Reichert Smith (NJ) Since this is such a high priority issue for the Obama administration, it's amazing that the margin was this thin. Incredibly, 44 Democrats voted against the legislation. That would not have happened without your efforts. Thanks to all those who called, faxed, and emailed. The fight moves to the Senate now, where the bill faces an uncertain future. We still have a very good chance to stop Cap-and-Trade. see the full house vote here <FORM method=post name=showMessageForm target=_blank><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Dear Family and Friends, This is more pertinent info with regards to the upcoming Senate Vote on Cap and Trade. before I go any further let me say this. To those of you who may disagree with me. That you disagree with me, bothers me not in the least. We are all Americans, and that is your right. I encourage any of you with counterpoints to what I have to say, make those points clear to your Federal Government Representatives as well. I fully support that right as well. Additionally I would look forward to discussing the issues with you like civilized human beings as well. I prefer the written word via email as it is easier to edit before sending. As opposed to a shouting, swearing match over the phone or in person. I feel very strongly about the issues I email but usually manage to keep it PG-13. My tongue and temper is another issue altogether. Now is not the time to be lulled into procrastination or inaction for any reason. This Bill is truly Insidious, and dangerous to the freedoms of everyday life, and an economic burden we just cannot afford on a personal level at this time. I have said all along that Global Warming was nothing more that Sun Cycles that the Earth has experienced over and over throughout the ages. Many more well known and respected Scientists, now agree with that than the number that Jumped on the "Global Warming" concept to start with. And, a few of those who were on board now have recanted their views. Please! I beg of you. Contact your Federal Representatives. As many of them as you are comfortable with. But, in the very least, Both of your Senators, and your one Congressperson. Please read the following......... Shawnee, Okla. Wayne Trotter 26.JUN.09 Passing President Obama’s “cap and trade” energy program would cost the average Oklahoma family $3,200 a year, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OKLA) said Friday, but he’s confident the measure will be killed in the Senate no matter what happens in the House of Representatives. The Tulsa Republican, a longtime critic of what he considers “this hoax called global warming,” made his latest statements during a morning stop in Shawnee while House members in Washington were preparing to vote on the controversial issue. “Between the years of 1998 and 2005, I was the only member of the United States Senate who would take on what I call ‘the Hollywood elitists’ and the United Nations on this hoax called global warming and I went through seven years of purgatory on that issue. “But now I’ve been redeemed and the vast majority of the scientific community has now said Inhofe’s right and the United Nations is wrong and those individuals … have now said ‘no, the science is not there and these are natural cycles.” At the time of the interview Friday morning, he said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was only two votes short of winning and predicted that if she brought the question up for a vote, it would indicate she had found them. Late Friday, the bill was approved in the House on a 219-212 vote. “It doesn’t matter,” he declared flatly, “because we’ll kill it in the Senate anyway.” Asked if he was confident that would be the case, Oklahoma’s senior senator said he was “absolutely certain.” He noted that it would take 60 votes to break an anticipated Republican filibuster over cap and trade and predicted the most the Democrats can muster is about 34. He said all the hubbub in the House was over Pelosi’s desire to attend a conference in Copenhagen and be able to stand up and say, “Oh, we’ve passed this out of the House and we’re going to lead the way in America but it’s not going to pass the Senate.” Inhofe said the bill, if passed, would constitute the largest tax increase in the history of the country. He scoffed at Democratic claims that “cap and trade” doesn’t represent a tax increase at all but instead is a free enterprise solution. “MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and the Wharton School of Economics came out with an analysis of what this is. They said that the range is between $330 and $350 billion a year. That translates in Oklahoma to $3,200 per family. Everyone who’s reading this story right now, that would be a tax increase of over $3,000 per family. I can give you all the documentation on that.” Inhofe said Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, tried to “rip me up” on the Senate floor only Thursday night and I said, “In your state of Massachusetts, there’s an innocuous organization called MIT. Are you familiar with that?” Then, he said, he read what the MIT analysis had to say. He also said Oklahoma would be among the most affected states. “Losing states would be primarily Oklahoma and Texas,” he observed, producing a color-coded map. One of the winning states, he said, would be California. Changing the subject, Inhofe called the vote on what he called the “bailout bill” last fall probably will go down as one of the most egregious votes of all time. “In know this is unpopular to say because my own junior citizen voted for it,” he commented in reference to his fellow Republican, Sen. Tom Coburn. But, he said, cap and trade will be worse because it would come to the same amount of money every year. He also criticized the Obama administration for moves to integrate gun control with international treaties on grounds that crimes committed in Mexico are done with guns manufactured in the United States. Inhofe called health care a serious issue but said it’s hard to talk about because there’s no written document on either the Obama or Kennedy plans. Regardless, he said, it’s clear that the proposed changes would put the government between the patient and doctor and would be based on the Canadian system. “That’s about all you can say,” he concluded. He repeated his intention to vote against the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court but acknowledge that she will be confirmed, quoting Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, as saying Republicans are afraid to vote against her because she’s a woman and she’s Hispanic. “I’m not,” Inhofe said without hesitation. “I’m going to be voting against her.” Inhofe said he was in Shawnee as part of a program to “take one day a week when we’re not voting” and stopping in different parts of the state. The interview with The Countywide & Sun was conducted in Bill Ford’s office at Shawnee Mills. After leaving Shawnee, he said, he planned to fly to Ada, Lawton and the Weatherford-Clinton area. State Representatives Kris Steele of Shawnee and Shane Jett of Tecumseh, both Republicans, were on hand for the interview. Inhofe signed photographs for both. __________________ Thus ends the sermon! Thank you for your attention and patience. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> I'll sum all this up for you Senator Nelson. I think you are poorly informed with regard to Global Warming to say the least. I post on a couple of large online forums as well as mass emailing all my family and friends. I would love to be able to convince you that your position is WRONG. I have tried to present you with some info that supports my position. Those in the Congress who voted for the bill and passed it without even reading it, in my opinion are TRAITORS to the peoples of the USA and to the Constitution. As possibly are you. A day is coming when traitors will be held accountable to the people. May God forgive you for your sins. I won't!!! One last thing Senator, READ THE BILL BEFORE YOU VOTE ON IT. Use some common sense and consider fully the impact of your actions on others. And, try spending a little time rereading the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the writings of our founding fathers.... if you ever have. I will pray for you. </FORM><FORM method=post name=showMessageForm target=_blank>To my brothers and sisters at SM who are residents of Florida. This guy does not think at all like us, and needs to be voted out of office ASAP. JMHO of course</FORM>
Senator Inhofe is proclaiming this thing dead in the Senate. I hope he is right. But it seems that they are after our kids now. Like Hitler said "Give me one generation and I'll rule the world." paraphrased. Perspective: Are environmentalists scaring your kids? Parents, be on the alert for a little propaganda film that's making the rounds on the web and infiltrating school classrooms. Annie Leonard created "The Story of Stuff," and narrates the 20-minute video. In that short period of time, she manages to "teach" children quite a bit. I'll try to sum up a few of the highlights. First, the civics lesson -- a la Leonard. It's the government's job to watch out for us and take care of us. But the government has become more interested in taking care of big, bad corporations. The government is naughty for not doing enough for us. And big business is just plain evil. Now the story of how stuff is made. We start with extraction which, according to Leonard, "is a fancy word for natural resource exploitation which is fancy word for trashing the planet." Trees get chopped down, mountaintops are blown off so we can get metals out, and "we use up all the water and we wipe out the animals." Hmmm. I guess I missed the news that we'd used up all the water and wiped out the animal population. But just in case any school children in the audience were having the same thoughts, Leonard assures them that despite the fact that it's hard to hear, "it's the truth." The rest of the article is here:
With regard to the brain washing of our children in the schools. I just read a post here in another link where the person said "I will probably get slammed for this, but" and she then said her piece. I figure I am fixing to go down that same road. If you have school age children and you send them to most public schools today, you are doing them a great disservice. Public (Government dictated curiculum) schools know what the average comprehension level and intelligence level is for each grade level of schooling they conduct. They teach on an average (middle of the class) level. They probable get thru to about 60% of the class. 20% just don't get it, it's above them. another 20% are bored out of their skulls because they are too smart for their own good. Advanced placement and proper testing would be nice for the smart ones, but often is overlooked and the smart ones are diagnosed as suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder or whatever and they want to medicate them. If you can afford a good private school for your children that is probably one of the best things you can ever do for them. A good private school will test your children, guide them, encourage them to think for themselves, and to excell. If you can not afford private schools for your children, then home schooling is the second best choice. There are a mulitude of certified programs out there online to guide you in doing it. The drawback is, you almost have to have a fulltime home parent. Not both parents working outside the home. Most of our public school systems today seriously fail our children and you are so otherwise involved you don't even notice. Many of the schoolbooks in use today are full of lies and distortions with regard to history and much much more. If your children are in public school get involved. Check out the curiculum. Ask questions about the courses and check out the text books. I think in many ways you will be shocked. I was prompted to write this because of a very thin book written by a man known to write tomes. It is a story about how easily your children could be brainwashed with properly presented propaganda. If you have children, you should read it. It will take less than one hour to read. Check it out .... A Children's Story by James Clavell he is the same man who wrote Shogan, Tai-pan, and King Rat. JMHO of course
and most of the mid western states will paying for states on both coasts ..ohio will have to buy 42%.its carbon alotments just to run the power plants here ..this a wealth transfer ..i just read about this my electric cooperatives monthly magazine was a closed door back room deal ..we where told that this would the most transparent government in history .. we get this on top of an 8% rate hike .. bunch of retards running stuff ..
Because of that, homeschooling is far more expensive than private school. We asked ourselves something years ago, and have adjusted accordingly: Do we want to be well off ($), or do we want our children to be well off?
Originally Posted by Minuteman It is a veiled attempt to force us off of fossil fuels by making them too expensive. What's there to hide, that is their agenda and many of the leftist environmentalists around here have no problem telling you about it.