Where Yat Tex. And unless you're a Yankee Spy ya know it's pronounced Momanem. And de's ok' de's making dem groceries at Schweggamanns on St Claude. Les a le bonton roulet Semper Fi
Let the good times roll! I am in East Texas, South West Texas is home though. I work for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, and my duty station in La. was first Arcadia, then Farmerville. I covered three states from 94-98, and a good bit of that time was in an around the Crescent City. If I wasn't over at my friend's house in Kenner every Mon. night for red beans and rice, they were calling my hotel trying to find me. I have good friends in Metarie, Kenner, and La Place. I spent a lot of time there pre-Katrina, and I really loved the area. I turned down a pretty lucrative job there though, because I knew I didn't want to raise my children there, and I thought I would have a shot at getting back to Texas. There was just too much crime in the area. I remember one weekend I was working in Slidell and watching the news from my hotel, and three cops/sheriff's deputies were killed that weekend in New Orleans. Glad you aren't one of them.
i like the 1911 as well... but i own a XDM in 9mm 19+1 i picked it for my own reasons but like any tool, it is only as good as its user. practice, practice, practice...