Gulf coast evacuation?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by USMCwife, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. USMCwife

    USMCwife Monkey++

    Hey monkeys, as some of you know I currently live Florida, Santa Rosa County. I've been hearing a LOT of chatter about proposed evacuation plans due to hazardous gases from the oil spill. My husband and I took a leisurely drive down the coast from Fort Walton to Pensacola on Friday, and there were quite a few workers out on the government owned beaches. But they were no where near the touristy spots. They won't or can't talk to folks about anything.

    I'm just curious of the chatter some of you might have heard. I know there a handful of Florida monkeys out there. I'm just wondering if I should start heading north to the farm. Do these gases have an odor, like benzine? What about rainfall from the gulf? What rumors have you heard?
  2. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

  3. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    I'm inclined to take a grain of salt with anything I hear from Alex Jones.
    One thing i noted is that Lindsey Williams is referring to himself as "pastor".
    That reveals a tendency to promote abiogenic theories since it will support his theory of biblical history (which I agree with incidentally but recognize that people will lie to promote it.)
  4. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    "lots of salt" Iv'e seen Lindsey Williams videos before and he's pretty "fringe".This same topic is covered here"
    and these guys are tip-toe, hanging 10 on the edge "fringe" I personally wouldn't pack up the house and move on Lindsey williams' advice. Alone...
  5. USMCwife

    USMCwife Monkey++

    I agree with you guys, that's why I haven't posted on this thread yet. Like I said in another thread, there's more going on than we are being told, but how much more? I'm thinking more along the lines of air quality, but I won't be packing up the house. I might just go visit our farm for a while if I start smelling oil.
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Hmmm.... get a good hurricane come up from the south, this could be "the gift that keeps on giving" as it blows the toxic vapors inland...... Alabama and Georgia are gonna be mightily peeved......
  7. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I have NOT researched this...I got it in my email from a member of the Bay County Patriots today...just reposting....I know, I know...Do your research...but I have a lot to do today so I'm just throwing it out there for now...and will look it up later unless anyone else has some time on their hands???

    The Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) is a mainly subscription news site ($7/month for “individual reader” subscribers) that claims to provide news ”from deep inside the Washington beltway.” Its editor is Wayne Madsen, a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, former Navy officer, author and syndicated columnist, with an impressive c.v.
    His for-subcribers report today is profoundly disturbing. Madsen's sources in the federal government are telling him that a 200-mile radius "dead zone" is developing from the damaged BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, which threatens the lives of all marine and land animals, plants, and humans. Plans are in place for the mass evacuation of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula.

    Government insiders: Get ready for the Gulf "dead zone"
    June 23, 2010
    Bad news concerning the Gulf oil disaster continues to come from WMR's federal government sources in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers. Emergency planners are dealing with a prospective "dead zone" within a 200 mile radius from the Deepwater Horizon disaster datum in the Gulf.
    A looming environmental and population displacement disaster is brewing in the Gulf. The oil dispersant used by BP, Corexit 9500, is seen by FEMA sources as mixing with evaporated water from the Gulf and absorbed by rain clouds producing toxic precipitation that threatens to kill all marine and land animals, plant life, and humans within a 200-mile radius of the Deepwater Horizon disaster site in the Gulf. Adding to the worries of FEMA and the Corps of Engineers is the large amounts of methane that are escaping from the cavernous grotto of oil underneath the Macondo drilling area of Gulf of Mexico.
    On a recent visit to the Gulf coast, President Obama vowed that the Gulf coast will "return to normal." However, federal officials dealing with the short- and long-term impact of the oil disaster report that the "dead zone" created by a combination of methane gas and Corexit toxic rain will force the evacuation and long-term abandonment of cities and towns within the 200-mile radius of the oil volcano.
    Plans are being put in place for the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula.
    The toxic rain from the Gulf is expected to poison fresh water reservoirs and lakes, streams, and rivers, which will also have a disastrous impact on agriculture and livestock, as well as drinking water, in the affected region.
    FEMA officials also claim that the $20 billion compensation fund set aside by BP is not nearly enough to offset the costs of the disaster. The FEMA sources say the disaster will cost well in excess of $1 trillion, and likely closer to $2-3 trillion.
  8. USMCwife

    USMCwife Monkey++

  9. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    I know you have a very "vested "interest in these goings on...Certainly not out to scare you unnecessarily but "The oil drum" is a peakoil site populated by oil folks, they have been keeping up on this stuff. Perhaps you might use it as one of the inputs to help make your own decisions to stay or go...

    and here's the live rov feeds:
  10. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    Yes and one thing that really bugs me is that there are 1200 UN troups down there now, from Russia, and Germany.
  11. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

  12. ISplatU

    ISplatU Monkey+

    When, not if, this evacuation starts, I would say it is the beginning of the SHTF.

    The looting would be crazy as they empty houses. People can only take what will fit in there cars. Only the first to leave can get moving trucks. Grid lock, and gas shortage will happen. Guns WILL be taken, because it will be ruled a FEDERAL dasaster zone(please dont tell me about the rulling after katrina). Fema camps will be full. Marshal law. More.

    The only good thing I can think of that could happen is housing demands will increase across the US, but I do not think it will matter.
  13. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    "Marshall" Dillion
    enjoyed "martial music", and "martial arts"; but did not have the authority to declare "martial law"[boozingbuddies]:)
    justa pet peeve( drives me nuts)...
  14. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Does anyone know anything about this Wayne Madsen guy? Is he a kook, or a real journalist with good credentials and sources? I haven't had time to look him up...other than to see the Govt did arrest him once in VA while trying to meet a "source"...
  15. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Reference this please. Don't take it personal. I get hammered here for the same thing. If this IS true I definately want to know, but I am a natural born sceptic. Show me!
  16. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    Toonces sent 1200 troops to the border.. could there be cross story confusion here?
  17. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Quite possibly! But, it ain't me that is confused. I am fully aware that Obama has ordered 1200 National Guard troops to our southern Border to suppliment the Border Patrol.
    I just want ISplatU to reference his UN troops from Russia and Germany statement.... if he can
    It smells of pure BS to me
  18. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    It does have that particular smell .. yes.
  19. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    sawthat1200 story somewhere just didn't think the source was reliable IIrc it was seither "Godlikeproductions or an RT:" Russia today" video)( they report Sorrcha Faal's stuff).I didnt 'want to add momemtum to the story.

    I don't understand why this women below would be granted access to inner sanctums of this cleanup operation ;but fwiw:Supposedly a fly on the wall view :

    YouTube - Kindra Arnesan - Quoted on PBS Newshour 6/23/2010

    I have experienced the:"no personal respirators" issue in the last major corporation I worked for;(I'm sure OSHA is involved in there somewhere).. They required a pulmonary study; fora "baseline function"; I think. and company "training"..Another bit of insanity I added to my resignation letter.
  20. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

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