Show me your sharps......

Discussion in 'Blades' started by Bison_Forge, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

    This is an idea from another forum. I want everyone to upload pictures of their Knife collection on this thread. It is like "show and tell" for "big kids." It would be great if you include items like flashlights, batons, etc. Participation makes the thread a hit or a wash, so please upload some pics and discriptions of what is pictured. Here are a few of mine to get things started.

    Gerber Big Rock Camp Knife w/ after market sheath:

    Gerber Profile:

    Gerber Fast:

    Gerber MP 600 Basic:

    Kershaw Outcast:

    Moki MK 921:

    Mantrack Knife:

    Romanian AK-47 Bayonet:

    A couple of SAKs:

    A no name throwing hawk:

    Surefire LX2 Lumamax:

    Not pictured is a $Scorpion Knives "Brute" or Parry Blade"$, an old KA-BAR, some made in china crud, and a few homemades.
    Enjoy, and I am looking forward to your guys' pictures as well.
  2. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I really like this idea. What would be really great is if folk added what they're using each one for. I'm looking for ideas.
    I have a hand ax. I use it for hack and squirt. No handy photo of it and I don't know what brand it is.
    I have a large pocket knife.
    I have a small pocket knife.
    I have a Kershaw Scallion, it's legal to slip in a purse
    I bought this Leatherman Surge for a BOB bag although I can't comment since nobody has used it yet. This spring it should start getting a work out.
  3. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

    Thanks for the input! You are off to a great start.
  4. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Pictures by DLKnives - Photobucket

    There's tons of knives there, but they're ones I made. Disregard the mug-shot looking pics of me - those are to show the skin cancer surgery I had. I can't take pics of all the knives I own - there's too many!
  5. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I'm sorta hoping somebody will show off knives used for processing chickens and rabbits. Hint hint. Call me self-serving. ;)
    Valkman> The photos of your daughters with their "glasses" is adorable. I know.... I shouldn't be commenting in a knife thread but.... they're too cute. Question for you is what do you do with all those knives.... are you like a collector or something>>>?
  6. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That was a good pic! The wife was about to take it and I stuck my head in - she thought I'd ruin the shot but it came out great.

    The knives in the pics are all ones I made and sold - the one in my avatar is the only one I kept as it was in Blade magazine.

    But other than that I have just accumalated lots of customs, tons of Case knives plus a bunch of bigger folders like Strider, Emerson, etc.
  7. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    That photo was excellent.... it's a memory maker!!! We have a family photo of all of us wearing glasses that have eyeballs on slinkies and it's one of our favorites. We're silly parents I guess.... we always have been.
    Ok.... MisterOwnsEveryKnifeKnowntoMankind (Valkman).... add some photos of the knives you kept that can be used for chickens and rabbits. Mother's Day is around the corner and I have been dropping not-so-subtle hints that I want a knife to bleed out chickens and I suppose I should start dropping hints that I'll need a quality knife to butcher chickens.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I am glad I got to own a couple of Don's knives. I still prefer my Llewellyn fighter over anything else I have. I own tons of folders and combat blades, a few axes, a couple tomahawks, swords (katana hand forged and English knight swords in hand forged spring steel), ninja-to, shuriken, non-metallic blades, and enough cheap folders for barter to fill a trunk.

    Sorry, no pics. Too bad.
  9. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
    Brokor likes this.
  10. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    You guys display your knives really well in your photos. I took my photo and there was glare on the package so I propped it on a cat and took another photo.... I guess I'll have to work on my presentation in the future. ;) Anywho.... I didn't know there was such a thing as a bird and trout so thank you. Just out of curiosity.... what do you think of this one as a basic knife for chickens and rabbits, A.G. Russell Knives | A.G. Russell™ Bird & Trout. Is there like a used knife market somewhere? I swear.... these 50 chicks I ordered are getting more expensive as each day goes by.
  11. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

    Thank you guys for sharing! Keep them coming.
  12. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

    @ Equilibrium: The Gerber Profile pictured in my collection is a favorite of deer hunters, I know of people using them to dress out rabbits. I don't know about chickens though, our chickens are still steady layers, so I don't have any experience there, any one of your pocket knives would probably do just fine though.

    @ Valkman: I lurked around the forum while you were still making knives but by the time I actually joined you had stopped manufacturing. I guess I missed my chance to aquire some of your fine cutlery.[violin]
  13. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    BF, I have 2 heat treated blanks left. One is a 7" Super Camp and one is a 6" Fighter. Just clean 'em up and put handles on. PM me if interested. :)
  14. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

  15. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Thank you BF! I'll check into what I've got or take a photo for y'all to inspect. I think I'll probably still ask for that knife I found for Mother's Day only because one pocket knife is waaaaay too small and the other one is one of those Swiss Army knives that would be a sun of a gun to clean up.
  16. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

    I would love to see some pics of what you have. It looks like you have got good quality stuff. So often people start out with cheap junk and never advance past that level of quality, which is a shame because they never realize what they are missing out on.
  17. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    You think I'm kidding that's all I've got>>>? ;) Give me some time to find my hand ax. I know where my little pocket knife is and I'm pretty sure the large one's in a pillow case. The Kershaw is in my purse..... it's the hand ax that's going to cause me problems. I meant to spray paint the handle fluorescent something or other so I could always find it and kept forgetting to do that. Rats!!! Shoulda coulda woulda spray painted that handle if I'd only known I'd be "needing" it in January. Be back....
  18. Bison_Forge

    Bison_Forge Aspiring Knifemaker

    See my comment on your chicken gun thread.
  19. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I must have missed that.... I'll go check later. Here's a photo of my knives. I tried to do more about my "presentation" and.... actually considered a lace doily my grandmother tatted but thought.... naaa.... that would be pushin' it even for snickers and grins. I did slide the dogs out of the way that flopped down around my "still life" and waited for a cat to walk past before clicking.... does that count since we've got a Mastiff and a Great Dane? Don't get overly impressed.... they slide well on hardwood even for me. I think I'm getting a little slap happy today.... I forgot about a utility knife I have that I use a lot so I tossed that in my photo. I took it out of my super duper secret toolbox that has skulls and cross bones on it that says, "Hands Off, Don't Peek, Property of She Who Must Be Obeyed". The only other knife I have is that Leatherman and you've seen that already. I do want a fishing knife for scaling and what not and I'd really like one of these grape knives Old Hickory Grape Hook 6 3/8 : Homesteader's Supply... We're a Community! and both small and large vegetable folding knives would be helpful, Old Hickory Vegetable Folding Knife Large : Homesteader's Supply... We're a Community! in addition to a decent trout and bird knife. I think I've found a decent trout and bird knife.... I'd like to find better quality grape hook and vegetable folding knives than what Homesteader's Supply offers. Their knives look cheap even to me. After that I guess it's just wait and discover what I need from reading what you guys use knives for.
  20. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Psst.... I know the blade on the ax needs work. There was some barbed wire embedded in a tree I was girdling last summer and before that I hit a few nails in another tree. I'm working on learning how to sharpen that ax on my own. I had to deal with learning how to sharpen an apple corer/slicer first.
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