Bushcraft blades

Discussion in 'Blades' started by zulu54, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. zulu54

    zulu54 Monkey++

    Any views on bushcraft blades? I was watching a BBC doc bout some fellow named Ray Mears. I noticed his knife right off the bat and took a fancy to the shape of the blade.

    No doubt he has a custom piece with a price tag to match. I'm looking around for production pieces priced for the working man.

    I saw a nice piece from europe, an F1 Fallkniven. I believe it is the survival knife for the Swedish airforce.

    Anyone have any experience with these or can suggest sometning similar in a similar price range.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If you really want to get your hands on a great carbon steel blade that will last a lifetime and function for just about any bushcraft needs, get yourself a Swedish Mora. There are all kinds of varieties out there, and nearly every one should run you no more than $30.

    The F1 Falkniven is a sweet blade, but more costly.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
  3. sticks65

    sticks65 Monkey++

    I make my own bushcraft knife but have not made any for a few months now because of other work commitments.

  4. hog

    hog Drinking Mampoer.

    have a Woodlore knife but use my S65 knife and another sent to me by a member on another site.

    Brokor likes this.
  5. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Very cool blades.

    I'm a fan of anything 4-6" and carbon steel. I wish I had pics of the Helle blade I handled.

    I am a fan of the Mora knives too. I keep a couple around for butchering.

    <------ Check avatar photo for my latest knife.
  6. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

  7. hog

    hog Drinking Mampoer.

    I have this this Mora and is a favorite of mine, do nearly all my wood carving with it.
  8. sticks65

    sticks65 Monkey++

    Moras are real good knives,ive had a few.

    This is the one i have now its from the 1940s and made by Carl Anderson.
  9. sharpeblades

    sharpeblades Monkey+

    Bushcraft knives

    It would be hard to beat a Mora knife for the money. If i can find out how to post pictures i will post some of my favorites
    IMG_3117.JPG IMG_3118.JPG IMG_3120.JPG
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Pretty simple, if all goes according to plan. Hit "reply" and up comes a message window. Below that, you'll find a box that will allow you to upload a pic from your hard drive or other widget where the pic is stored. Quick reply won't do it, you gotta go the full monte.
  11. sharpeblades

    sharpeblades Monkey+


    Thank you i will give it a try after supper (Home made hamburgers with all the trimming and home made fries)
  12. azranger

    azranger Monkey+

    Moras are good knives, especially for the price. While I have many of them, the new craftline series for about $30 look especially nice and have a better tang on them.
  13. sticks65

    sticks65 Monkey++

    This is my main bushcraft knife,I made it from old english carbon steel with a 4" blade and white oak scales.


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    Thread by: Andy the Aussie, Dec 21, 2018, 8 replies, in forum: Blades
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